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Established 01.03.1986 as legal entity by “The Ministry of Construction of Oil and Gas Industries” USSR (Soviet Union)Order”№197/k and by “GlavInterNefteGazStroy (Moscow) Order № 28/k, after collapse of Soviet Union - registered as a “JSC” by department of Justice (Burlin Region, West Kazakhstan Oblast, Republic of Kazakhstan) on 28.12.1993, re-registered 18.01.2005.
Business Identification Number 931240001229
Registered Number № 24-1926-03-AO
VAT № 270300000703
Location: Kazakhstan Registered Office: 2, Druzhby Narodov Street, Aksay,
Burlin Region,West Kazakhstan Oblast, Kazakhstan, 090300
Fax: +7 711 33 53223, +7 711 33 52972
“InterGasStroy” JSC (IGS), established in 1986, is a leading multi-discipline construction company in Kazakhstan that specializes in the Oil and Gas industry in the following construction disciplines:
•Piping (above and below ground)
•Mechanical (Static and Rotating)
•Electrical & Instrumentation
•Insulation, Fire Proofing and Coatings
IGS is a Construction Company with over 22,000,000 Work hours without a lost time incident and over $1bn successful executed works in the Oil & Gas segment working for KPO b.v. – Karachaganak Petroleum Operating (LukOil, British Gas now Shell, Chevron, Eni, KazMunaiGas) NCOC – North Caspian Operating Company (Shell, ExxonMobil, Total, Eni, KazMunaiGas), TCO – TengizChevrOil.
IGS’ Peak of Man Power Involvement was 2870 Employees while executing projects for NCOC at the gathering and processing plants in Karabotan, Atyrau State, Kazakhstan to support the Kashagan Oil field. IGS has the necessary 1st category licenses to operate in the complex energy, chemical and infrastructure projects, delivering engineering, construction, fabrication and project management services. IGS is Head Quartered in Aksay, West Kazakhstan and has a branch in Atyrau. One of the key value features is that IGS operates in the “live plant” environments
Our History of Establishment
The company is registered under the name Intergasstroy JSC (herein after referred to as “IGS”). What preceded the opening of “IGS” in 1986? What events preceded the establishment of the company and what are were the reasons for establishing “IGS” by MinNefteGasStroy on the 01st of March 1986?
- 01.06.1984 Economic Meeting in (Moscow USSR) of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) member countries.
- 31.05.1985 Program for the long-term economic, scientific and technical cooperation signed between USSR and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic for the period up to the year 2000, as well as the Long-Term Program for the Development of Cooperation between the USSR and the GDR (East Germany) in the Sphere of Science, Engineering and Production for the Period Until 2000.
- 16.12.1985 – Agreement signed between the governments of USSR and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on cooperation in the development of the Yamburg gas field, construction of the main gas pipeline Yamburg - the western border of the USSR and facilities of the Uralsk gas complex (now the Karachaganak Oil and Gas condensate Field) and related natural gas supplies from the USSR to Czechoslovakia
- 20.01.1986 Agreement signed between the Governments of the USSR and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) on cooperation in the development of the Yamburg gas field, the construction of the main gas pipeline Yamburg-Western border of the USSR and other objects of the gas industry of the USSR and related gas supplies from the USSR to the East Germany
- 03.09.1986 - Contract No.63-01 / 40001-108 for provision of Major Construction Works was signed in Prague for the construction of facilities of the Uralsk gas complex (Karachaganak Field) between “Soyuzvneshstroyimport” Moscow and the Czechoslovak foreign trade enterprise Simeks (referred to as Czechoslovak Contractor)
- 16.01.1987 - Contract No. 63-09 / 30001-105 for provision of Major Construction Works between “Soyuzvneshstroyimport” Moscow and FEB Combine "Gazanlagen-Stammbetribe" Mittenwalde (referred to as GDR Contractor) for the construction of facilities of the Uralsk gas complex (now the Karachaganak Oil & Gas Condensate Field) was signed in Berlin (Germany).
- 01.03.1986 “IGS” (prior named the “Territorial Administration of Construction in Aksay”, West Kazakhstan) was established in Aksay, Burlin Region, West Kazakhstan to perform the functions of the General Contractor in the following projects:
a) Contract No. 63-01 / 40001-108 for the construction of facilities of the Uralsk Gas Complex (Karachaganak Oil & Gas Condensate Field) The Contractor of Czechoslovakia and the implementation of the
b) Contract No. 63-09 / 30001-105 Contract between the USSR and the German Democratic Republic (Germany) for the construction of facilities of the Uralsk gas complex (Karachaganak Field).
- “Glavinterneftegazstroy” (Moscow) performed functions of "Engineering, Procurement and Construction" (EPC) Contractor (for the above contracts) and was responsible for all the activities from design, procurement, construction, to commissioning and handover of the project to the Client (End-User or Owner) - Ministry of Gas Industry - at construction sites for construction industry facilities - The Ministry of Construction of Oil Gas Industries in Soviet Union (USSR). The Czechoslovak construction companies and East Germany companies served as Contractors
- After the collapse of the Soviet Union and Republic Of Kazakhstan’s acquisition of independence, “IGS” was renamed to KazakhInterGasStroy. Finally in December 1993 KazakhIntergasstroy was registered as Intergasstroy JSC. After re-registration 18.01.2005 its registration number №24-1926-03-АО, Business Identification Number (BIN) -931240001229, registered address: Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan, Burlin Region, Aksay, Druzhby Narodov 2.